How can we help you?
If you’re between 12 and 18 we will work with you around anything to do with your drug or alcohol use, or even how you think about it! In reality, some people want to stop, some to continue but want to know more about what they’re doing OR to be safer, and a lot of young people don’t really know – they haven’t given it much thought yet. Some have even already stopped but want support so they don’t slip back into it. And it isn’t all about drugs either. We will get involved in other areas if you need us to such as education and courses, sorting places to live, helping smooth things out with parents or carers etc. We can explain in more detail after we’ve spoken and know what you’re life looks like at the moment and what you need help with. So, we work WITH you and are here to help, NOT lecture. In very basic terms, it’s a number of conversations that are led by you.
We are confidential which means we have to have your permission to share your information or what you tell us (unless serious safety risk to you or others – but we’ll explain what this means when we speak so you’re clear). We are also voluntary, which means we will work with you as long as YOU WANT us to.
Follow the links below for more information and how to get in touch: